Kitaa Hope Children Home is registered with the Tanzanian government and operates within its scrutiny. Registered homes must employ a government social worker, whose job is to safeguard the children according to the Tanzanian Law of the Child Act 2009. In addition to looking out for the personal, social, and health needs of every child through regular conversations with them, the employed social worker arranges visits to relatives, accompanying the children to ensure their safety, and deals with official records. It is their responsibility also to monitor the transition of children who leave Kitaa having been accepted into a relative’s home. The child protection system of Tanzania is supported by UNICEF which defends children's rights and counters violence, neglect and exploitation.
Serving Orphans in Moshi, Tanzania
In partnership with
Kilimanjaro International Tanzania Aid Agency
Hope Home Trust is happy to make the following data privacy statement.
1) If you give financially to Hope Home Trust, or have done so in the past, we keep the paper gift aid form you gave us in order to comply with the Charity Commission’s requirements.
2) If you have expressed an interest in the work of Hope Home Trust our occasional newsletters will reach you through the email address you gave us. Feel free to ask us to remove your name from our records.
3) We never pass your details on to any third party.
Financial records and accounts:
Detailed financial records are kept to ensure we meet our legal obligations.
Accounts are drawn up at the end of each financial year and are submitted to our accountant and to the Trust’s AGM.
A cash book records and describes transactions in the bank accounts.
A budget is drawn up each financial year in response to the needs in Tanzania and is approved by the Trustees.
A financial update of income and expenditure, together with an estimate of projected expenditure, is delivered at each Trust meeting.
We hold a Western Union Business Account which safely handles the transmission of funds to Tanzania.
Banking: The Trust holds a CAF current account which sends a statement every month. Withdrawals are on a two - to - sign basis.
Income: Income is recorded and banked promptly.
Grants: Grants are made to Tanzania four times a year.
Following a generous legacy from a long term supporter we are able to hold £18,000 in Reserves.
Our general objects are relief for orphaned children in Tanzania, in particular support of the work of Hope Children’s Home, Moshi. Hope Home Trust owns no property and employs no personnel, however, failure on our part to work effectively will directly affect the provision of homes, education and Christian care of the children at Kitaa Hope Children’s Home in our partnership with the director, Mama Esta Kadeghe, and the manager, Eva Kadeghe.
Risks to the effective working of Hope Home Trust are:
1) A fall in donations from our known supporters.
2) Errors in Trust Management - non compliance-on our part
3) Mismanagement by our partners in Tanzania
4) Unforeseen financial needs at Kitaa Hope Home which threaten the ability to provide for planned commitments.
Steps to mitigate risk:
The Trust is well aware of the need to continually widen its support base.
The Trust meets at least three times a year to review budget, policies and fundraising as well as digest news from Tanzania.
Monthly reports are received from our partners in Tanzania and we maintain a continuous discussion about their changing financial practical and social needs, through email and in person when visits are made.
Hope Home Trust, a Charities Commission registered non-profit organization, seeks to advance in life and relieve the needs of orphaned children in Tanzania through provision of homes, education and Christian care specifically through Kilimanjaro International Tanzania Aid Agency. 100% of all donations goes directly to meet these aims in Tanzania. Any administrative and fundraising costs are met by the trustees.
Help us love and educate orphans in East Africa.
Charity Number 1126415.
(c) 2017 Hope Home Trust